IOC Focal Points

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Number of responses: 31 out of 150 IOC member states (20%); 26 out of 115 developing country IOC member states (22%)

Each Member State of the IOC has one or more official contact points who receive all official communications from the Commission. The IOC National Contact Manual (National Focal Points contact list) is available from THIS LINK.

It is noted that out of the 150 IOC Member States (March 2021), 115 are developing countries. The focus of the CD survey was on this group of 115 countries.

The data presented is based on the weighted average. All the responses were included to reflect a more general picture of the respondent’s perspectives, including items that were ranked low. To get a weighted average the number that gave the highest rank (e.g. essential) was multiplied times 5 and added to the number that gave a second highest (e.g. very important) multiplied times 4, and so on. Due to the relatively small sample sizes care must therefore be taken when interpreting the results and making assumptions based on the data presented. 

Country summary reports were also made available in the respective links for countries with 10 or more responses in addition to the IOC Focal Points (Argentina, Benin, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Egypt, El Salvador, Guinea, India, Iran, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Tanzania, Vietnam).


The survey included the following questions. Click on the question to jump to the reporting.

Q1.1-Q1.4: (confidential information for user identification: not included in this report).

Q1.5: How familiar are you with the following?

Q1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9: Participation in IOC activities

Q2.1: Please rank the most critical capacity development needs to build ocean science capacity (currently not available) in your country?

Q2.2: How important are the following in terms of developing capacity in human resources (currently not available) in your country?

Q2.3: In your opinion, how important are the following in terms of increased access to physical infrastructure for your country?

Q2.4: If applicable, to what extent does the following help your country with regards to strengthened coordination with global, regional or sub-regional IOC communities and local networks?

Q2.5: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development in your country?

Q2.6: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of increasing visibility and awareness of ocean research in your country?

Q2.7: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of mobilising sustained (long-term) resources in your country?

Q2.8: Does your institution offer any of the following?

Q2.9: Online data and information resources: How often do you use the following marine information portals in performing your essential functions?

Q2.10 What other specific support can IOC global and regional programmes (GOOS, IODE, MPR, tsunami, etc.) provide to contribute to addressing your country’s CD requirements? 

Q2.11: In terms of developing an overall Implementation Plan for the IOC CD Strategy (, are there any other CD efforts and supports not previously mentioned which you would like to see included?

Q2.12: In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for which of the following Ocean Decade Challenges are capacity development needs greatest in your country?

Q2.13: In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for which of the following Ocean Decade objectives are capacity development needs greatest in your country?

Q2.14: Is Sustainable Development Goal 14 considered as a national priority in your country? Q2.15: If yes, how is this reflected in your national plans and policies? Q2.16: How would you rate the level of capacity available right now in your country to achieve SDG 14? Q2.17: How would you rate the level of capacity available right now in your institution to support the achievement of SDG 14 in your country?

Q2.18: In your opinion, to what extent are the following aspects of capacity lacking to achieve SDG 14?

Q2.19: Does your country or institution have a national ocean science capacity development strategy? Q2.20: If yes, please specify (provide URL if available online)

Q2.21: Has your country carried out an ocean science capacity needs assessment? Q2.22: If yes, please specify (provide URL if available online).


2A.1 Does your country have a “national coordinating body” to coordinate its cooperation with IOC? 2A.2 If no, then why not:

2A.3 Has your country designated a IOC national focal point for capacity development? 2A.4 If no, then why not:

2A.5 How do you rate national coordination on marine research in your country?

2A.6 How many Higher Education Institutions exist in your country?

2A.7 What degrees are offered by your HEIs (highest degrees or equivalent overall)

2A.8 How many students study marine related subjects in your country (estimate)

2A. 9 How many marine/coastal research institutions exist in your country?

2A.10 How many researchers are employed in the marine/coastal research institutions in your country?

2A.11 Is marine scientific research in your country linked to policy needs?

2A.12 Is HEI output of graduates linked to human resources needs of the national research institutions?

2A.13 Does the private sector in your country make use of the expertise available in HEIs or national marine research institutions?

2A.14 If occasionally or often, do they pay for the service?

2A.15 Is there an active policy to promote the use of local marine research/monitoring/management expertise in the private sector?

2A.16 If no, then should there be an active policy

2A. 17 Does your country collaborate actively in IOC programmes ? 2A. 18. If yes, please describe shortly:

2A.19 Does your country provide financial support to IOC capacity development activities (through projects, contribution to IOC special account or other financial channels) 

2A.20 Does your country provide in-kind contributions to IOC capacity development activities (through hosting offices, providing national staff to IOC offices)

2A.21 Does your country provide in-kind support to IOC capacity development activities by providing expert time (to participate in workshops, steering groups,…)

2A.22 Will Covid19 have an impact on your overall collaboration in IOC capacity development activities in 2021-2022

2A.23 Will Covid19 have an impact on your support (financial, in-kind) to IOC capacity development activities in 2021-2022 bandarqq pkv games dominoqq bandarqq pkv games bandarqq pkv games bandarqq pkv games pkv games bandarqq domino99 daftar pkv games situs pkv games dominoqq pkv dominoqq online situs dominoqq pkv games situs pkv games situs pkv games dominoqq qiu qiu online domino99 bandarqq bandarqq judi qiu qiu online uang asli dominoqq pkv 10 situs judi qq online terpercaya pkv games pkv games dominoqq pkv games bandarqq domino99 aduqq bijiqq ceriaqq garudaqq ibcqq imcqq keluarqq makauqq pesqq pialaqq ratucapsa ratuqq ruangqq rutinqq sboqq segarqq terimaqq zyngaqq pkv games ratuqq aduqq bijiqq bijiqq pkv biji qq pkv BandarQQ > Daftar Situs Pkv QQ Online Uang Asli Resmi Terpercaya bandarqq/ Bandarqq dominoqq dominoqq pkv games pkv games

