Country | Institution | Your Position | Gender | Does your country or institution have a national ocean science capacity development strategy? | If yes, please specify (provide URL if available online). | Has your country carried out an ocean science capacity needs assessment? | If yes, please specify (provide URL if available online). |
Argentina | Servicio de HidrografÃa Naval | Technical Secretary | Male | No | No | ||
Benin | Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) | Director | Yes | Many actions is developing with many partners | Yes | Through collaboration with FAO and other Institution Fish stock assessment and Ocean Cleanup | |
Chile | CHILEAN NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC AND OCEANOGRAPHIC SERVICE | DIRECTOR | Male | No | Yes | In the context of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) | |
Colombia | Colombian Ocean Commission | International Adviser | Female | Yes | | Yes | |
Comoros | Université des Comores | Lecturer | Male | No | No | ||
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | State Hydro-Meteorological Administration | Director | Male | Yes | science | Yes | science |
Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | President of National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | Male | Yes | | Yes | |
El Salvador | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | Especialista en Oceanografía | Male | No | No | ||
Estonia | Ministry of the Environment of Estonia | Coordinator | Male | No | No | ||
Finland | Finnish Meteorological Institute | Safety, Head of Group | Female | Yes | National strategy for marine sciences in Finland. | No | |
France | Comité national français pour la COI | Présidente | Female | Yes | IRD (Institute for Research and Development) main mission is on capacity building. In addition, there are funding mechanism to support to virtual international (bilateral) laboratories in marine science (e.g. IRL-International Research Laboratory at CNRS, LMI- Laboratoire Mixte International at IRD). Financial support for individual scientists to expatriate to developing countries for periods ranging from a few months to years. | I don’t know | |
Germany | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | Secretariat of German IOC-Section | Male | No | I don’t know | ||
Guinea | Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR) | Chercheur Océanographe / Directeur Ecole Doctorale en Océanographie, Environnement Marin et Côtier | Male | Yes | (site en construction) ED-CERESCOR (site en construction) | No | |
India | INCOIS | Director | Male | No | No | ||
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science | Director | Male | Yes | No | ||
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | Director-Focal Point 3 | Male | No | No | ||
Kuwait | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research | Principal Research Scientist, Kuwait Representative to IOC | Female | No | No | ||
Lebanon | National Centre for Marine Sciences-CNRSL | Director of the Centre & Researcher | Male | No | No | ||
Mexico | MEXICO NODC | Coordinator | Male | I don’t know | I don’t know | ||
Morocco | INRH | National Focal Point | Male | ||||
Nigeria | Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research | Director | Male | I don’t know | I don’t know | ||
Pakistan | National Institute of Oceanography | Senior Research Scientist | Female | Yes | The National Institute of Oceanography has its in house CB needs assessment and plan til 2025, aligned with the National ST & I Policy of the Government of Pakistan | Yes | e7fe113bce6385fb120af871cdfef025.pdf |
Panama | Autoridad Marítima de Panamá | Jefe de Ambiente | Male | No | No | ||
Peru | Dirección de HidrografÃa y Navegación – Perú | Director | Male | Yes | | No | |
Portugal | Instituto Hidrografico | Oceanographer | Female | I don’t know | I don’t know | ||
Sudan | UNESCO Chair on Marine Biology and Oceanography / Sudan | Chairholder | Male | No | No | ||
Sweden | SMHI | Senior oceanographer/data manager | Female | No | No | ||
Togo | University of Lome | Lecturer, IOC National Focal Point | Male | No | No | ||
Tunisia | Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) | Professor | Male | No | No | ||
United Republic of Tanzania | Institute of Marine Sciences, UDSM | PO box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania | Male | No | No | ||
Vietnam | Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | Director | Female | Yes | | Yes | |
ADDITIONAL | |||||||
Ecuador | Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada | Investigador Oceanográfico | Female | No | I don’t know |