Ocean Researchers – Question 2.4: If applicable, to what extent does the following help your country with regards to strengthened coordination with global, regional or sub-regional IOC communities and local networks?

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Representatives of Organization/Company/Institution

CountryInstitutionYour PositionGenderImproved staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsOther suggestions?Reinforced budgeting of regional sub-commissionsOther suggestions?Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the regional sub-commissionsOther suggestions?Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesOther suggestions?Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between countries not covered by IOC regional subsidiary bodies and the global programmesOther suggestions?
AlgeriaNational center for research and development of fisheries and aquacultureResearcherMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance Very Important 
ArgentinaINIDEPresearch program managerFemaleOf Some Importance Very Important Very ImportantStart again “Regional Science Planning Workshop on Harmful Algal Blooms in South AmericaVery Important Not Necessary 
BrazilUNVUn VolunteerMaleEssential Essential Essential Essential Essential 
ChinaChina Institute for Marine Affairsresearch fellowFemaleEssential Very Important Of Some Importance Essential Of Some Importance 
ColombiaCentro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Pacífico (CCCP)Scientific researcherFemaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Essential Essential 
ColombiaDirección General MarítimaNational Oceanographic Data CenterFemaleI don’t know Very Important Very Important Very Important I don’t know 
ColombiaINVEMARGeneral DirectorMaleVery Important Very Important Essential Essential Essential 
ColombiaINVEMARInformation and Marine Research HeadFemaleI don’t know Very Important Very Important Very Important Essential 
Côte D’IvoireSODEXAMHead of forecastMale          
Dominican RepublicNational Meteorology Weather Services Dominicana RepublicTsunami Warning Section ManagerMale          
EcuadorInstituto Ocenográfico y Antártico de la ArmadaCoordinador de Asuntos OceanográficosMale          
EgyptNational Institute of Oceanography and FisheriesresearcherMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
GambiaDEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCESSNR METEOROLOGICAL OFFICER/PMOMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
GrenadaMet officeMiddle level technicianFemale          
GuatemalaINSIVUMEHJefe del Departamento de GeofísicaMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
GuatemalaUNESCOConsultantFemaleEssential Essential Essential Essential Essential 
GuineaCNSHBSEARCHERMaleVery Important Essential Essential Essential Essential 
Guinea-BissauMinistery of the fishinginvestigationMale          
GuyanaHydrometeorological ServiceMeteorologistMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance Very Important 
IndiaNational Centre for Polar and Ocean ResearchDirectorMaleEssential Very Important Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
IndonesiaIndonesia Agency for Meteorology Climatology adn GeophysicsBMKGDirector of R&D CenterFemaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
IndonesiaBPPTHead of Marine Survey TechnologyMaleVery Important Very Important Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Not Necessary 
IndonesiaInstitute for Marine Research and ObservationDirectorMale          
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Iranian National Institute for Oceanographic and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS)Head of Iranian National Center for Ocean Data (INCOD)Female          
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric ScienceMember of Scientific Board, Head of Department of Oceanographic Data and Remote SensingMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Essential 
KazakhstanRepublican State-owned Enterprise “KazHydromet”Head of the Department of the Caspian Sea Hydrometeorological ResearchFemaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
KenyaKenya Marine and Fisheries Research InstituteLibrarian/Information ManagerMaleVery Important Essential Essential Essential Essential 
KenyaIndian Ocean ObservatoryEditorial/Communication DirectorMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
MadagascarCentre National de Recherches sur l’Environnement (CNRE)Head of the institutionMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
MadagascarInstitut Halieutique et des Sciences MarinesSenior Lecturer (Oceanography)MaleEssential Very Important Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
MalaysiaMalaysian Meteorological DepartmentPrincipal Assisstant DirectorMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance 
MauritaniaInstitut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches (IMROP)Coordinateur ScientifiqueMale          
MauritiusMauritius Meteorological ServicesActing Deputy DirectorMaleOf Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Very Important 
MexicoCETMAR-EnsenadaDirectorMaleVery ImportantThe IOCARIBE secretariat in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, should be encouraged to apply training resources throughout the region.Essential Essential Very Important Very Important 
MozambiqueINAHINAHead of departmentMaleOf Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Of Some Importance 
MozambiqueNational Institute of Hydrography and Navigation-INAHINAResearcherFemaleVery Important Of Some Importance Of Some Importance Very Important Of Some Importance 
NigeriaNigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine ResearchChief Data Processing Officer/Programme AnalystMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
OmanMarine science and fisheries centreMangerMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance Of Some Importance 
PeruServicio Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia del Peru – SENAMHI MaleOf Some Importance Of Some Importance Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
PeruINSTITUTO DEL MAR DEL PERU – Peruvian Institute of Marine ResearchResearch Director of Oceanography and Climate ChangeMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Very Important Very Important Essential 
PeruDirectorate of hydrography and NavigationHead of oceanography DepartmentMaleVery Important Essential Very Important Essential Very Important 
PeruCentro Peruano de Arqueologia Maritima y SubacuaticaBoard MemberMaleVery Important Very Important Essential Essential Essential 
PhilippinesPalawan Council for Sustainable Development MaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
PhilippinesTUBBATAHA MANAGEMENT OFFICEPROTECTED AREA SUPERINTENDENTFemaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
PhilippinesPhilippine Nuclear Research InstituteSenior Science Research SoecialistMaleOf Some Importance Of Some Importance Essential Essential Essential 
RomaniaNMA Romaniawheather and marine forecasterFemaleVery Important Very Important Very Important I don’t know I don’t know 
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesUNESCO – IOCNational consultant -St.Vincent and the GrenadinesFemale          
SeychellesDepartment of Blue EconomyDirector General, Maritime Boundary ManagementFemaleVery Important Essential Essential Essential Very Important 
SeychellesSeychelles Islands FoundationScience CoordinatorFemale          
SudanInstitute of Marine Research- Red Sea University- Port Sudan SudanResearcherMaleVery Important Very Important Essential Essential Essential 
SudanSudan Meteorological authorityHead of Weather and Shipping Forecast DepartmentMale          
TurkeyBogazici University – KOERIRETMC Assistant ManagerMale          
TurkeyCentral Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE)Research CoordinatorMale          
UkraineOdessa National I.I. Mechnikov UniversityLeading ScientistMale          
UkraineUkrSCESDirectorMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Very Important 
United Arab EmiratesMoCCAEHead of Marine Biodiversity sectionFemale          
United Republic of TanzaniaTanzania Fisheries Research InstituteDirector GeneralMaleOf Some Importance Very Important Essential Essential Very Important 
United Republic of TanzaniaFisheries Education and Training AgencyFisheries Officer/ LecturerMaleVery Important Very ImportantFinding sustainable source of fundsVery Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
United Republic of TanzaniaTanzania Meteorological AuthorityIncharge of Marine Meteorological ServicesMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
VenezuelaVenezuelan Institute of Scientific Researchscientific researcher and Head of the Center for Oceanology and Antarctic StudiesMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Essential Of Some Importance 
VietnamInstitute of OceanographyHeader of Department of Remote Sensing and OceanographyMaleVery Important Very Important Very Important Very Important Of Some Importance 
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