Representatives of Organization/Company/Institution
Country | Institution | Your Position | Gender | Are there national plans or institutional mechanisms in place to support the development of ocean science capacity in your country? | If yes, please specify: |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Meteorological Department | Director | Male | Yes | We have a plan to install more Ocean Buoy in future to collect ocean data like sea surface temperature, sea level pressure, wave height etc. |
Bangladesh | Survey of Bangladesh | Deputy Director (Survey) | Male | No | |
Bangladesh | Survey of Bangladesh | Deputy In-charge, GIS Unit | Female | No | |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Meteorological Department | Director | Male | Yes | We have a plan to install more Ocean Buoy in future to collect ocean data like Sea surface temperature, Sea air pressure, wave height etc. |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Meteorological Department | Meteorologist | Male | Yes | Bangladesh has a big ocean area. Its economy also depends a large portion of ocean status. |
Barbados | Department of Emergency Management Barbados | Director | Female | ||
Cabo Verde | IMar | Tecnico | Male | Yes | Imar – Institut od Sea and Ocean Centre Science |
Chile | Servicio Meteorológico de la Armada de Chile | Meteorologist | Male | Yes | National Oceanographic Comitee is collecting the gaps for investigation and capacity for the UN Ocean Decade |
Chile | Chile Navy Weather Service | Personel Trainning | Male | Yes | National Oceanographic Comitee is leading the efforts for the Ocean Decenial Tasks |
Colombia | Dirección General MarÃtima – Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del PacÃfico | Investigador cientÃfico | Female | Yes | PolÃtica Nacional del Océano y los Espacios Costeros PNOEC. Plan Estratégico de la Dirección General MarÃtima CONPES 3930 Colombia Potencia Bioceánica |
Colombia | Ministerio de Ciencia, TecnologÃa e Innovación | Apoyo Dirección de Inteligencia de Recursos | Female | Yes | In 2019 in Colombia, the Wise Mission Document was prepared and published, in which the focus of ocean Sciences is prioritized. This document warns about the urgency of undertake actions and initiatives that address a complex global economic environment and take on the challenges of diversifying and modernizing the economy in line with the ODS. In 2020, the CONPES 3990 “Colombia bioceanic power 2030” was made. This is a policy document that has a prospective and strategic nature that wants to position the oceans on the national public agenda as a factor for sustainable development in the next 11 years. |
Comoros | ANACM | Cheaf: forecast, Aarning and Research | Male | Yes | we are now talking about the implementation of Blue economy stratégy in the country |
Comoros | National Direction of Fisheries / NGO AIDE (Intervention Association for the Development and Environnemental | Fishing Technician / Member of the coral reef monitoring theamand Head of the quality control and certification service for fisheries products | Male | No | |
Cook Islands | Cook Islands Meteorological Service | Director | Male | Yes | Cook Islands Oceans Sanctuary ( Te Marae Moana) |
Dominica | Lands and Surveys Division | Surveyor | Male | ||
Dominican Republic | Centro Nacional de Sismologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo | Director | Male | Yes | Prepare young personnel in Ocean Science. |
Dominican Republic | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | Encargado de Departamento de Ordenamiento de Recursos Costeros | Male | No | |
Dominican Republic | ONAMET | SUBDIRECTOR | Male | No | |
Ecuador | Instituto nacional de Pesca | Investigador pesquero | Male | ||
Ethiopia | NATIONAL METEOROLOGY AGENCY | SENIOR HYDRO-METEOROLOGIST | Male | Yes | by contributing to assessing in our country’s capacity development needs in ocean science related issues. National ocean related capacity is also essential for our country to build the required national expertise to fully participate in, and benefit from the Sustainable Ocean Economy. ocean research, observation, data/information management, coastal area-based management and policy in our national and local levels of climate sensitive sectors like water, health, agriculture and disaster risk management sectors |
Gambia | Department of Water Resources | Meteorologist | Male | No | Under development |
Ghana | ghana Ports and Harbours Authority | Hydrographer | Male | ||
Grenada | Grenada National Commission for UNESCO | Secretary General | Female | No | |
Honduras | General Directorate of the Merchant Marine | Head of the Marine Environment Protection Department | Female | No | |
Indonesia | Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia (BMKG) | Head of Center for Education and Training, BMKG | Male | Yes | – Law No. 32 year 2014 on Ocean – Govt. Regulation No. 32 year 2019 on Ocean Spatial Planning – Presidential Regulation No. 178 year 2014 on Agency for Ocean Security, – Presidential Regulation No. 16 year 2017 on Indonesian Ocean Policy, – Preside |
Indonesia | BMKG | Meteorologist | Male | Yes | In Met Ocean capacity development |
Kenya | Kenya Meteorological Department | Assistant Director of Meteorological Services | Male | Yes | Ocean dynamical modelling |
Mozambique | INAHINA | Marine GIS | Male | No | |
Myanmar | Department of Meteorology and Hydrology | Staff Officer | Male | No | |
Nigeria | National water resources institute. Kaduna | Senior technologist | Female | No | |
Niue | Department of Education | Director | Female | Yes | The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry should have something in their Corporate Plan, the NGO, Niue Ocean Wide also looks after the Moana (Ocean) Mahu protected area, |
Oman | Marine Science and Fisheries Center, Ministry of Agricultural & Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources | Marine Ecologist, Marine biotoxins Specialist | Female | No | |
Oman | National Emergency Management Center | Operation & Planning | Male | ||
Pakistan | Pakistan Meteorological Department, National Seismic Monitoring Center Islamabad | Meteorologist/Seismologist | Male | Yes | There is Tsunami warning chain which deals with necessary evacuation drills for coastal communities and workshops conducted among various institutes/stakeholders which involve in tsunami response process. Through these activities ocean science issues are addressed. |
Palau | Palau National Weather Service | MIC / Director | Female | ||
Panama | Ministerio de Ambiente | Tecnician | Female | No | |
Peru | Senamhi | Analista Básico de Riesgo Agroclimático | Female | Yes | There are talks, workshops, seminars on topics of interest such as “ocean acidification” by national authorities on virtual platforms. |
Peru | SENAMHI | Especialista en Gestión de Datos | Male | No | Sorry, I don’t know |
Peru | SENAMHI | Especialista en Gestión de Datos | Male | No | I don’t know |
Peru | Instituto del Mar del Perú | Coordinador CientÃfico | Male | No | |
Peru | FONDO NACIONAL DE DESARROLLO PESQUERO | CHIEF | Male | Yes | 1. Plan Estratégico para la Gestión y Manejo del Ecosistema Marino-Costero y sus Recursos (Ministerio del Ambiente). 2. Gestión Integrada de la Zona Marino Costera y Planificación Espacial Marina (Ministerio del Ambiente). 3. Proyecto GEF-PNUD Humboldt “Hacia un Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico del Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Humboldt (GEMCH)” (Acuerdo Binacional Perú – Chile). |
Peru | APN | Analista Ambiental | Female | ||
Peru | National Port Authority | Analist in port services | Male | Yes | Environment Ministry have developed some strategies to keep ocean free of plastic |
Romania | National Meteorological Administration | weather and marine forecaster | Female | ||
Seychelles | Seychelles Meteorological Authority | Forecasting Officer | Male | No | |
Seychelles | Department of Blue Economy | Director General, Maritime Boundary Management | Prefer not to say | No | |
Somalia | Ministry of fisheries and Marine resource | Head section of Marine and coastal Biodiversity | Male | Yes | There is national mechanism of ocean line institutional framework |
Sri Lanka | Department of Meteorology | Deputy Director | Male | No | NARA is the focal point of it. |
Sri Lanka | Disaster Management Center | Assistant Director | Male | No | |
Sudan | Sudan Meteorological authority | Head of Weather and Shipping Forecast Department | Male | No | |
Suriname | Meteorological Service Suriname | Coordinator Climatology division/ National Data center | Male | No | |
Timor-Leste | National Disaster Risk Management Directorate (NDRMD) Secretary State Civil Protection (SSCP) | Technical Analyst | Male | Yes | Maybe there is, but I’m not sure. |
Trinidad and Tobago | Institute of Marine Affairs | Director (Acting) | Female | No | |
Tunisia | ZARZIS PROFESSIONAL FISHING TRAINING CENTER | FISH VULGRISER | Male | Yes | institut national agronomie (inat) |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu Meteorological Service | Senior Climate Officer | Male | Yes | Ridge to Reef (R2R) projects Offshore wave forecasting model by the SPC |
United Arab Emirates | National Center of Meteorology | Head of Marine Forecast Section | Male | Yes | Tsunami Other Ocean related supporting services in development |
United Arab Emirates | National Center of Meteorology | Head of Marine Forecast Section | Male | ||
United Republic of Tanzania | FISHERIES EDUCATION AND TRAINING AGENCY | PRINCIPAL TUTOR | Male | Yes | This has been done through higher learning institutions and NGOs i.e., Institute of Marine Sciences under University of Dar es Salaam (IMS-UD) and Western Indian Ocean Scientific Organization (WIOMSA). |