Question 2.1: Please rank the most critical capacity development needs to build ocean science capacity (currently not available) in your country?
Question 2.2: How important are the following in terms of developing capacity in human resources (currently not available) in your country?
Question 2.3: In your opinion, how important are the following in terms of increased access to physical infrastructure for your country?
Question 2.4: If applicable, to what extent does the following help your country with regards to strengthened coordination with global, regional or sub-regional IOC communities and local networks?
Question 2.5: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development in your country?
Question 2.6: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of increasing visibility and awareness of ocean research in your country?
Question 2.7: In your opinion, how useful are the following in terms of mobilising sustained (long-term) resources in your country?
Question 2.12: In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for which of the following Ocean Decade Challenges are capacity development needs greatest in your country?
Question 2.13: In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for which of the following Ocean Decade objectives are capacity development needs greatest in your country?