Country | Institution | Your Position | Gender | In terms of developing an overall Implementation Plan for the IOC CD Strategy (, are there any other CD efforts and supports not previously mentioned which you would like to see included? |
Argentina | Servicio de HidrografÃa Naval | Technical Secretary | Male | |
Benin | Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) | Director | | Everything is taking into account |
Chile | CHILEAN NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC AND OCEANOGRAPHIC SERVICE | DIRECTOR | Male | It is considered to be a well consolidated document |
Colombia | Colombian Ocean Commission | International Adviser | Female | It is important to include how the strategy will have a link with the ocean decade |
Comoros | Université des Comores | Lecturer | Male | |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | State Hydro-Meteorological Administration | Director | Male | |
Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | President of National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | Male | |
El Salvador | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | Especialista en Oceanografía | Male | |
Estonia | Ministry of the Environment of Estonia | Coordinator | Male | |
Finland | Finnish Meteorological Institute | Safety, Head of Group | Female | – |
France | Comité national français pour la COI | Présidente | Female | Develop a training/mentoring network across african countries such as Erasmus in Europe. |
Germany | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | Secretariat of German IOC-Section | Male | |
Guinea | Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR) | Chercheur Océanographe / Directeur Ecole Doctorale en Océanographie, Environnement Marin et Côtier | Male | |
India | INCOIS | Director | Male | None |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science | Director | Male | |
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | Director-Focal Point 3 | Male | None |
Kuwait | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research | Principal Research Scientist, Kuwait Representative to IOC | Female | No |
Lebanon | National Centre for Marine Sciences-CNRSL | Director of the Centre & Researcher | Male | No |
Mexico | MEXICO NODC | Coordinator | Male | No |
Morocco | INRH | National Focal Point | Male | |
Nigeria | Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research | Director | Male | None for now |
Pakistan | National Institute of Oceanography | Senior Research Scientist | Female | Support and launch regional observation programs and projects |
Panama | Autoridad Marítima de Panamá | Jefe de Ambiente | Male | No |
Peru | Dirección de HidrografÃa y Navegación – Perú | Director | Male | No |
Portugal | Instituto Hidrografico | Oceanographer | Female | No |
Sudan | UNESCO Chair on Marine Biology and Oceanography / Sudan | Chairholder | Male | |
Sweden | SMHI | Senior oceanographer/data manager | Female | — |
Togo | University of Lome | Lecturer, IOC National Focal Point | Male | The proposed strategy is good for capacity development for our country. |
Tunisia | Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) | Professor | Male | Yes for operational oceanography |
United Republic of Tanzania | Institute of Marine Sciences, UDSM | PO box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania | Male | No. |
Vietnam | Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | Director | Female | No |
ADDITIONAL | | | | |
Ecuador | Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada | Investigador Oceanográfico | Female | Considero que la estrategia adoptada, abarca lo esencial para el desarrollo de capacidades, lo cual nos permite a todos los estados miembros a participar, aportar y a beneficiarnos de las diferentes investigaciones y servicios oceánicos, tan necesarios para el desarrollo sostenible. |