Country | Institution | Your Position | Gender | What other specific support can IOC global and regional programmes (GOOS, IODE, MPR, tsunami, etc.) provide to contribute to addressing your country’s CD requirements? |
Argentina | Servicio de HidrografÃa Naval | Technical Secretary | Male | |
Benin | Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) | Director | IODE, GOOS, MPR | |
Chile | CHILEAN NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC AND OCEANOGRAPHIC SERVICE | DIRECTOR | Male | The cooperation between SHOA and the IOC Programmes is highly satisfactory |
Colombia | Colombian Ocean Commission | International Adviser | Female | 1. Articulation for financing small, medium, and large-scale projects. 2. Creation of a regional network of young people in ocean sciences to strengthen participation and dissemination of information. 3. Organization and congregation of public, private, or academic entities through the National Technical Committees 4. Leadership and support in the development of chairs or virtual courses. |
Comoros | Université des Comores | Lecturer | Male | |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | State Hydro-Meteorological Administration | Director | Male | Methodology, Framework, Roadmap, Technnology and Data |
Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | President of National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | Male | |
El Salvador | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | Especialista en Oceanografía | Male | |
Estonia | Ministry of the Environment of Estonia | Coordinator | Male | |
Finland | Finnish Meteorological Institute | Safety, Head of Group | Female | – |
France | Comité national français pour la COI | Présidente | Female | |
Germany | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | Secretariat of German IOC-Section | Male | |
Guinea | Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR) | Chercheur Océanographe / Directeur Ecole Doctorale en Océanographie, Environnement Marin et Côtier | Male | GOOS, MPR OCEAN DATA (IODE) .. |
India | INCOIS | Director | Male | Strengthen support to GRA Activities in the IO Related to IOGOOS in terms of resources for regional projects & Capacity Building |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science | Director | Male | |
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | Director-Focal Point 3 | Male | Sharing of data and experts especially in looking at our datasets or archived data and developing documents or products at can contribute t a regional and global initiative |
Kuwait | Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research | Principal Research Scientist, Kuwait Representative to IOC | Female | Specified training in IODE, Establishing NODC |
Lebanon | National Centre for Marine Sciences-CNRSL | Director of the Centre & Researcher | Male | Increase knowledge and capacity building as well as get access to global oceanographic data |
Mexico | MEXICO NODC | Coordinator | Male | GOOS |
Morocco | INRH | National Focal Point | Male | |
Nigeria | Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research | Director | Male | By budgeting and coordinating these regional programmes at local or regional leve |
Pakistan | National Institute of Oceanography | Senior Research Scientist | Female | CD in regional training centers, participation in ship and ocean observation programs in the region, collaboration projects in special interest ocean observations such as Ocean Acidification, Micro-plastics, etc. |
Panama | Autoridad Marítima de Panamá | Jefe de Ambiente | Male | Cartas Batimétricos, estudios Oceanográficas, fisicoquímicos del agua, Pacifico y Caribe. |
Peru | Dirección de HidrografÃa y Navegación – Perú | Director | Male | Support in capacity development and data management |
Portugal | Instituto Hidrografico | Oceanographer | Female | Trainning |
Sudan | UNESCO Chair on Marine Biology and Oceanography / Sudan | Chairholder | Male | |
Sweden | SMHI | Senior oceanographer/data manager | Female | —- |
Togo | University of Lome | Lecturer, IOC National Focal Point | Male | What is already proposed is sufficient for our country. |
Tunisia | Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) | Professor | Male | |
United Republic of Tanzania | Institute of Marine Sciences, UDSM | PO box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania | Male | So far, no any additional specific support to add. |
Vietnam | Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | Director | Female | GOOS, IODE |